Что такое трехвальцовая правильная машина?

Что такое трехвалковая правильная машина?
Cement concrete pavement three-roller shaft unit construction is an improved technology for small machines. The construction process is moderately mechanized, less equipment investment, and the technology is easy to master. It is mainly used for the construction of medium and low-grade road cement concrete pavement or high-grade road cement Renovation and construction of a small number of local plates such as broken slabs and broken slabs on concrete pavement. The operation of the three-roller machine is relatively simple, but the requirements for technology and management are higher. In order to meet the requirements of road surface smoothness and wear resistance, it is necessary to strengthen the installation quality of formwork, cloth control and the paving and leveling construction of three-roller machinery. The construction of the three-roller unit is more suitable for the construction of my country's middle and low-grade roads and the cement concrete pavement of county and township highways, especially in recent years, the trend of using the three-roller unit to gradually replace the construction of small machines and tools.

Мы предоставляем сопутствующие продукты для выравнивания перфорированной сетки. Если вас интересует правильная машина для перфорированной сетки, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации.


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