Знаете ли вы принцип работы правильного станка для стальных листов

Тем Правильный станок для стальных листов is mainly used to straighten the plate, but how does it do the straightening, do you know? Because what you see is generally the finished product after straightening, you may not pay so much attention to the process. , Or there are many people who don’t know much about it. If you are interested, please read it down with the editor. Below we will introduce how to straighten the Правильный станок для стальных листов.

Тем position of the rollers is at a certain angle with the direction of movement of the product to be straightened. Тем two or three large ones are the active pressure rollers, which are driven by the motor to rotate in the same direction. Тем other small rollers are driven pressure rollers. It is rotated by the friction of a rotating rod or tube. In order to achieve the required compression of the product by the rollers, these small rollers can be adjusted forward or backward at the same time or respectively. Generally, the more the number of rollers, the higher the accuracy of the product after straightening. After the product is bitten by the roller, it continuously moves in a straight line or rotates, so that the product undergoes various deformations such as compression, bending, and flattening, and finally achieves the purpose of straightening.

То, что мы ввели в процессе правки, очень подробно. Я думаю, что все это знают. На самом деле принцип очень простой, но он играет очень большую роль. Мы предлагаем правильные станки для стального листа. Если вас интересует правильный станок для стального листа, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации.

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